Strongcrete 15 Minute Concrete

Strongcrete 15 Minute concrete consists of a special blend of cement, graded dry quality sand and aggregates and selected additives. Only water is required. Strongcrete 15 Minute is ideal for applications involving placement of posts – from erecting fence posts to securing clotheslines, sign posts and mail boxes. Strongcrete 15 Minute is not recommended for structural concretes or concretes requiring a smooth trowel finish. For these applications, use Strongcrete Hi-Strength 15 Minute Concrete or Strongcrete 36 MPa concrete.
When mixed according to the instructions, Strongcrete 15 Minute achieves a set in minutes and a 28-day strength of 20MPa.
Available in: 25KG
Specification Sheets
Download the specification sheet below for details of quantities and mixing instructions.